Consuelo Correa: For me, the most frustrating thing is when someone comes with a need and you can’t help. Say they’re sick and they don’t know where to go, you can’t speak English fluently and you have no information. Now that we have the Comité, organizations come to us and we can share the information they give us. That’s very important. It makes you feel like the doors are open.
Anabel Dominguez: We started our group to have a voice. Whatever happens in our community, Latinos have always remained silent because of fear, of what will happen to those who are undocumented. But we have a voice and we need to be heard.
Aida Medina: We can change the perception that others have of the Latino community, that we are just a burden on resources. No, we actively contribute to the community. There are things in Baltimore that would be worse off if not for the Latino presence. So we’re a voice that’s here to say, ‘We’re also here to work for the city,’ and make it a better place for all of us.
Fabiola Lopez: I think one of the changes groups like ours bring is self-confidence. I used to feel alone as the only Latina at community meetings. Now my neighbors come and tell me their problems and through the committee I have something that can help them. We have confidence, not fear.
Photo by Andy Dahl.
Find out more about programs and resources for the Latino community in Baltimore.
The #EveryStoryCounts Campaign
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