Our church, God is King Center, was located in Beltsville, and our Pastor, Moise Wang, told us that the Lord said we were supposed to move to Baltimore because that’s where He wanted us. And to be honest with you, at…

Category: Every Story Counts
#EveryStoryCounts — Billy Humphrey
I moved a lot as a boy, but I’m a south Baltimore guy. I’ve lived in Brooklyn, which is the city, I’ve lived in Brooklyn Park, which is Anne Arundel county, I’ve lived in Lansdowne in Baltimore County – I…
#EveryStoryCounts — Dorothy Kielian
I live in East Baltimore City. I am part of the neighborhood association, lead Epic Church Outreach in this area, and love my neighborhood. When Covid closings began, I never thought it was going to go more than a few…
#EveryStoryCounts — Monica Lapenta
BACFAD (Be a Chef for a Day) is a healthy eating program that teaches all people of all ages to cook healthy meals and create a food budget; our students learn cooking skills while absorbing valuable information about diet and…
#EveryStoryCounts – Sabrina Martin
I went to school for mental health and addiction counseling, so my passion was to work with adverse populations. I have a son with special needs and then I had a son with substance use concerns. I’ve worked with the…
#EveryStoryCounts – Torbin Green
I started volunteering at St. Francis Neighborhood Center in 2013 and then a few months later, there was a position that opened up and I was so impressed with what was going on, I wanted to be part of the…
#EveryStoryCounts – Farmer Chippy
[The choice to share this interview in the speaker’s dialect is his own.] I’m an Ital Man from Trinidad & Tobago, coming from the Caribbean, picking herbs and veggies from yuh back yard is a normal thing. Either yuh get…
#EveryStoryCounts – Cynthia Tensley
Often the key ingredient in a thriving Baltimore community is the quiet dedication of a giving neighbor. Southwest Baltimore is fortunate because Cynthia Tensley calls the Carrollton Ridge neighborhood her home. Inspired by her faith and the joy in helping others,…
#EveryStoryCounts – Eric Jackson
I start the narrative with my ancestors, who taught me so much about food. My grandmother taught me about not throwing food away, about never wasting. Not composting, because she didn’t know about composting, but when I learned about it…
#EveryStoryCounts – Daniel Wells
I grew up in Dundalk. It’s very similar to Hampden where you had a bunch of jobs and industry that went away. So when I opened a business here, I immediately related to the community. The people that have lived…