Are you like Christiana? Have you suffered a loss that left you struggling with grief? Death and loss can bring up feelings of isolation, anger, or despair. Part of building strong, sustainable communities is ensuring that individuals and families have…

Category: Every Story Counts (page 4)
#EveryStoryCounts – Christiana + The HOPE Project
“I was in Build-a-Bear. I was coming up on what would have been my due date and I was looking for an outfit for my son. A woman overheard me tell the salesperson I’d had a miscarriage and said she’d…
#EveryStoryCounts – Youth Empowerment + Mentoring
Are you like Sabriyah? Do you want to amplify the voices of Baltimore youth and empower them to achieve success? Young people are the future of our city, and ensuring they have access to resources and support systems is key…
#EveryStoryCounts – Sabriyah Hassan
“I was a school teacher and my kids never wanted to leave. They wanted to come on evenings, weekends. Pretty soon we realized what was going on — they had no resources, no activities, nothing meaningful to do when they…
#EveryStoryCounts – Returning Citizens
Are You Inspired by Alex’s Story? Successful re-entry for our returning citizens helps to break down the harmful prison cycle in our country that often leads to invisible life sentences for both struggling youth and adults. Concrete pathways to employment and community…
#EveryStoryCounts – Alex Smith
“I went to prison at 18. I was moving too fast. I wanted everything yesterday. The inner-city environment breeds a hunger. I wanted to change my life, change the view that I saw out my window. People out there risking…
#EveryStoryCounts – Black Entrepreneurship
Are You Like Rasheed? Creating an inclusive economy where all members of the community can thrive is crucial to building a sustainable and resilient city. By fostering opportunities for entrepreneurs of color and other minorities we can help break down…
#EveryStoryCounts – Rasheed Aziz
“We started with a couple of mobile carts selling water and juice down at the Inner Harbor. It was a way to create opportunities for youth in the summer. Today it’s Frozen Desert Sorbet – a youth-run business with 20…
#EveryStoryCounts – Robbyn Lewis
It was a grey, ugly alley — illegal dumping, a place you didn’t want to go. I thought, “We need to do something big.” Then a neighbor said “Let’s just paint the whole thing.” Even I hadn’t thought that big.…
#EveryStoryCounts – Earl Johnson
They kept coming by the farm, walking past looking to see what was going on. Then I asked if they want to work, and they showed up. They learned how to plant seeds, how to take the measuring tape and…