Landscape Manual


The recommendations of the 2006 Comprehensive Master Plan for the City of Baltimore included the creation and adoption of a City-wide Landscape Manual in addition to modernization of City Code Article 32 – “Zoning”, otherwise known as the Baltimore Zoning Code.  On December 5, 2016, the City Council passed and the Mayor signed into law a new zoning code for the City of Baltimore. The Landscape Manual was adopted by the Planning Commission on May 25, 2017.  The new code, including the Landscape Manual, became effective on June 5, 2017.


All development or redevelopment projects that involve 5,000 square feet or more of site disturbance and require Site Plan Review Committee (SPRC) approval, including such projects undertaken by the City of Baltimore, are subject to the requirements of the Landscape Manual. These requirements are binding on all subsequent property owners. Single-family detached and semi-detached dwellings are exempt from the requirements of the Landscape Manual.

Approval Process

The Department of Planning will approve all landscape plans as part of the SPRC and building permit approval processes. Review of landscape plans is subject to a two-part submission and review process.

A Concept Landscape Plan is required as part of the submittal requirements to the SPRC. The Concept Landscape Plan must include the items contained in the Concept Landscape Plan checklist found in Appendix B of the Landscape Manual. These requirements include the calculation of all required planting units and the indication of the locations where required landscaping and screening will be provided. If the project requires alternative compliance to satisfy the requirements of the landscape manual, proposals for alternative compliance must be included.

A Final Landscape Plan is required as part of a building permit application for all projects meeting the Landscape Manual applicability requirements. The Final Landscape Plan must include the items contained in the Final Landscape Plan checklist found in Appendix B. These requirements include the calculation of all required planting units, the locations of all planting and screening, a plant list, and planting details, including descriptions of proposed soil amendments.  The locations and details of any alternative compliance measures agreed upon as part of the SPRC approval must be shown.


Minimum required plant quantities are based on planting units. The use of planting units allows more creative planting design options and encourages the use of a greater variety of plant types.  Combinations of different types of planting units are encouraged, such as the use of a combination of shade trees with shrubs to screen and define spaces.  More information about planting units can be found on page 13 of the landscape manual.

The total number of planting units required will be based upon the proposed site conditions for the project, as defined in the “Requirements for Project Site Conditions” section of the manual, beginning on page 17.  The number of planting units required for the project and the number of planting units provided on the plan must be tabulated as part of the landscape plan submission.  Planting unit requirements are given for the purpose of planting quantity calculation, and are not requirements for plant spacing.  If there is uncertainty about which site conditions apply for a particular project, this can be discussed at the pre-development phase or as part of Site Plan Review.

Alternative Compliance & Mitigation Options

The Landscape Manual is intended to set minimum standards for high-quality development, the protection of property values, and environmental protection. Difficult or unique site conditions or other constraints may justify the need to request alternative methods of compliance with the landscape requirements. Requests for alternative compliance must be included as part of the Concept Landscape Plan.

A fee-in-lieu will be accepted as a form of alternative compliance if no other options for alternative compliance identified in the Landscape Manual can be achieved.  The base rate for the fee-in-lieu shall be $600 per planting unit (PU), or as determined by the Planning Commission and approved by the Board of Estimates.  To determine the total required fee, the fee-in-lieu base rate shall be multiplied by the number of planting units required by the landscape manual that are determined to be infeasible to be fulfilled on site or on an alternate site. The payment of the fee-in-lieu must be made before a construction permits can be issued.

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Contact Information

Rachel Whiteheart or Grace Hansen