Latest Past Events

Food Policy Action Coalition (Food PAC)

Baltimore Office of Sustainability/Department of Planning 417 E. Fayette St, 8th Floor, Baltimore

Food PAC is coordinated by the Baltimore Food Policy Initiative and is open to all organizations and residents working on food access, local food, urban agriculture, food retails, and/or other relevant food system issues. Meetings provide time for updates, presentations…

2017 Youth Summit: Environmental Justice

Vollmer Center, Cylburn Arboretum 4915 Greenspring Avenue, Baltimore

Join youth from around the city in a discussion on environmental justice, what it means in Baltimore and particularly for young folks in the city. Please be aware that this event is run by youth and for youth and thus…

Project Clean Stream 2017 Begins!

Join your neighbors in a clean up at a local stream, park, or in your neighborhood and take part in Project Clean Stream 2017. Every spring, tens of thousands of volunteers come together to pick up trash from local streams, creeks, rivers,…