Flood Maps

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) produces Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) which identify areas that are at risk of flooding. FIRMs include statistical information such as data for river flow, storm tides, hydrologic/hydraulic analyses, and rainfall and topographic surveys. Flood hazard areas identified on the Flood Insurance Rate Map are identified as a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). In Baltimore City, the regulated floodplain includes the 1% and 0.2% annual-chance flood areas, also known as the 100-year and 500-year floodplain.

Baltimore City Floodplain Maps through Cityview

Baltimore City’s Flood Insurance Study

Baltimore City’s Floodplain Data Files

Baltimore City’s Hurricane Inundation Zone Maps

The City of Baltimore Floodplain Management Office provides information about Baltimore City’s FIRMs such as assistance with determining if a property is located in the Special Flood Hazard Area, what the estimate Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is for a property, and what flood depths may be at that site. Baltimore City Floodplain Managers will also provide information about historic flooding, V-zones, the floodway, and natural floodplain functions in a specific area.


FEMA Risk Map

Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning (Risk MAP) is the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Program that provides communities with flood information and tools they can use to enhance their mitigation plans and take action to better protect their citizens. Through more precise flood mapping products, risk assessment tools, and planning and outreach support, Risk MAP strengthens local ability to make informed decisions about reducing risk.

Flood Risk Map for Baltimore City (Coastal)

Flood Risk Report for Baltimore City (Coastal)


Maryland State Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs)

The State of Maryland in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been systematically updating Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for communities over the past several years. This site is designed to guide homeowners/renters as well as communities through the process of determining their current flood risk as well as future flood risk based on the preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs).

The DFIRMs are digitally converted flood insurance rates maps that will be compatible with GIS (Geographic Information Systems). The improvements in spatial accuracy provided by the new base map, and the availability of electronic floodplain information should greatly enhance the ability to use the maps for planning, permitting, and insurance applications.

Maryland State DFIRMs tool


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